SEO for blogs: Create and manage website categories


You write a great blog article, and you want it to improve your site’s rating, right? You want people to read your information immediately, but you also want them to be able to go back and read it afterwards. As if that weren’t enough, you’d also want new visitors to peruse your prior blog posts. Ideally, you’d want to see them become regulars on your blog. That being the case, why are older blog postings so often relegated to some kind of archive?

You put in a lot of time and work into creating your material. You don’t want your viewers to miss out on the opportunity to read it. What I’m going to discuss in this piece is the significance of categories on your blog for both user experience and search engine optimization. Additionally, as your website develops, I’ll provide you with some actionable methods for maintaining and expanding your blog’s category structure.

The problems of having no website categories

One of the biggest problems with blogging is that new visitors can’t locate the information that has already been created. In this article, there are no website categories, tags, or connections between posts. If you’re a first-time visitor to the site, you’ll have to navigate through the archives to locate any fresh content.

We see a lot of blogs. It doesn’t matter whether it’s about parenting, cooking, or travelling. And it seems that they all commit the same error. Many blogs don’t categorize the subjects they cover.

Every blog, of course, should provide fresh material on a regular basis. You can’t deny that. However, your earlier material still has a lot of worth. Even if your present readers will be the first to see your new content, new readers will find it just as informative and helpful in the future as they are now. You never know who could stumble upon it and share the link with their friends. This means that readers should be able to discover previous content on your site easily.

Essential value of manage website categories in the blog

1.Just for easy use

You should make it easy for visitors to browse your site. You need to have clear and easy-to-find category pages for the subjects you write about the most. New readers will be able to see right away what the focus of your site is, and they’ll be able to readily locate your postings on a certain subject. Manage your website categories so that your readers can go back and re-read previous information, which is always a good thing.

2.In terms of search engine optimization,

Adding structure and categories to your blog can help it rank higher in search results. Manage categories. Adding a level of structure and categorization to your pages helps both your readers and search engines understand what you’re saying. Search engine optimization (SEO) is also helped by a site with well-organized website categories.

3.Keep out of competiton with your own content

If you write about a certain issue on a regular basis, you’re likely to write about it again and again. There’s a good chance that you’ve optimized more than one article for the same keyword. This indicates you’re in a Google ranking competition with your own content. Those aren’t great, are they? Keeping tabs on this will be a lot simpler with a well-organized and category structure.

4.With your category pages, you may get to the top of SERP

You may help a category page rise in Google’s search results by creating it, optimizing it, and linking to other articles in the same or related categories. To the contrary, a well-optimized category page is more likely to rank for more “head” keyphrases than an unoptimized category page. This also helps with the issue of competing with your own content that we discussed before. So it’s important to manage your categories correctly for SEO ranking.


How to keep a developing blog’s structure under control

This is why it’s so necessary to organize your blog entries using categories, as we’ve seen. Now that we know why, let’s look at how to do it. If your blog is small, it will be simpler to keep it organized this way. As your blog grows, you’ll have to put in more time and work to keep its structure in good shape. If you began your blog without considering the arrangement of your postings, the same thing applies to you. As a blogger, what steps can you take to ensure that your past content is still accessible to readers?

1.Analyse categories

As your blog grows, you may find yourself writing mostly on one subject. Sadly, that’s simply the nature of the blogging world. As a result, you should take a close look at your categories every few months to see whether one area is outpacing the others. It’s possible to break a category into two different ones if it’s expanding substantially quicker than the rest of your site. No category should be more than double the size of any other, as a general guideline. You can help yourself if you are using a tool like this.

2.Create tags and subcategories


If you have a lot of posts, it’s difficult to link to all of them. There will be too many articles. As a consequence, many blog entries will “get lost” in a too-flat framework. With so few links, both your audience and Google will struggle to find this content! Managing categories correctly will give you a proper structure to build on later.

Subcategories add a layer and a hierarchical structure. This will help Google understand your site. Also, each category will have fewer postings. In a small collection of posts, it is more probable that each post will gain a link from a new blog post, preventing post loss.

Tags might also help an article obtain links. But don’t overdo it. At least three posts per tag group Regularly review your tag structure and add new tags if you’re posting about new subjects.

3.Add Pages

People don’t want to scroll through endless blog entries or category pages. If your blog has 1,000 articles and you archive 10 of every page, you will have 100 archive pages. If you only added an “Older (Previous)” and “Newer (Next)” posts link, you’d have to click 99 times to get to the final page. It shouldn’t be that difficult. By connecting the first, second, third, tenth, twenty-first, thirty-first, and final pages, you decrease the number of clicks. Of course, jumping every 20 pages reduces that to 10. Pagination allows people to easily navigate through your archive.

4.Toss aside any material that is no longer relevant or useful

If a post is no longer relevant and no one is interested in reading it, you may choose to remove it. Even if it seems strange, you need to make sure that all of your old work is still useful and relevant. Removing old information can make your website seem much better! Deleted pages might produce a lot of 404 errors, so be cautious. Stay tuned! We will add more useful content.

By Sarah Kuhn

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